Who is Marsh Deane?
Marsh Deane is a “true local” of Georgetown County. He studied Landscape Architecture at Clemson University before graduating from Coastal Carolina University with a degree in Exercise Sports Science. As an intern for the United Nations RISE Program and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, The Village Group, Helping Hands and the Frances Bunnelle Foundation, Deane found his passion for non-profit film production. He is co-founder and owner of MLNL Media, providing film and photography services—including 360 video and virtual tours, FAA-certified drone photography, and multimedia editing. He has photographed in Asia, Europe, South America, the Caribbean, Iceland, and across many parts of the United States. Marsh finds his true passion however, in filming and photographing in the
marshes and rivers of the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
“My childhood memories are of fishing with Papa in Winyah Bay,
climbing fern-laden oaks overhanging the Black River, searching for
Native American pottery and sharks’ teeth among the cypress knees, and
watching great horned owls and great blue herons prowl the banks of
the Waccamaw and listening to the symphony of frogs and insects in the
rice fields at dusk.”
Through the lens of his passion, Deane brings the stories alive in Tales
of the Tide. His eye for the delicate beauties and hidden wonders of the salt
marsh is that of a true artist